Thank you for visiting the New Robotic Telescope (NRT) site! We have developed a new website with lots of new content including the Liverpool Telescope phase1 proposal submission system. To learn more about the project please visit our new site:
The NRT is a future time-domain facility that will facilitate the world's fastest ground-based follow-up for transient objects.
Building on the highly successful legacy of the Liverpool Telescope (LT), NRT will allow highly sensitive, efficient and fast response observing of the most dynamic and variable objects in our Universe.
The NRT will have a 4-metre primary mirror made up of 18 hexagonal segments providing a sensitivity 4 times greater than that of the LT. The NRT will also respond to transient triggers from space-based or survey telescopes within 30 seconds, capturing the very first seconds of evolution after an explosion.

The IAC receive funding from: